cellulite product reviews

Revitol Cellulite Cream

Review - Cellulite Reduction
Cellulite MD
Cellulite MD was the universally preferred cellulite cream tested by the Product-Critic review panel. This skin cream targets the root causes of cellulite to prevent skin dimpling from appearing. Cellulite MD also helps to tone the buttocks and lower abdominal area. A Free Trial for Cellulite MD is available on the product's web site.
RevitaShape produced the most effective cellulite reduction among our subjects. 95% of our subjects were satisfied with the cellulite treatment RevitaShape produced and is the second-most effective cellulite cream Product-Critic has reviewed.
Biolabs Anti-Cellulite Formula contains the best natural anti-cellulite ingredients to help make cellulite a thing of the past.
StrixadermMD SOS Cellulite Cream is specially blended and formulated to lessen the presence of cellulite.
Murad Firm and Tone performed moderately with our test panel. Of the 135 women who sample Murad Firm, 67% reported a slight cellulite reduction after two weeks of daily topical application.

Rated: 80 out of 100
by Product-Critic.com

Revitol Cellulite Cream is a topical treatment aimed at cellulite reduction and other fat. The makers of Revitol make grand promises of significant cellulite reduction and healthier skin. Our test set out to determine how effective this cellulite cream really was.

Without mincing words, Revitol just did not work for our subjects. Overall, the testers in our group were disappointed that the cellulite cream fell so far short of its bold claims. Add in the fact that the cellulite cream had to be applied 4 separate times throughout the day, and it's not surprising that most subjects did not like Revitol.

Revitol placed 3rd in our test of 4 cellulite creams. This dismal performance will be reviewed in the results below.

  1 Month Supply Overall Score Visible Cellulite Reduction? Improved Skin Firmness? Burned Body Fat? Rating
Cellulite MD Free Trial


Yes Yes Yes Must Buy
Revitol $69.95


Somewhat No No Do Not Buy

Revitol Skin Care Review

revitol cellulite treatmentJust 39% of the women in our group experienced improvement in their skin health. The other 61% saw no signs of improvement despite using the cream 4 times daily as recommended. One subject summed it up by saying, �With all of the promises made by the makers of Revitol, I was excited to use this cellulite cream. I could not have been more disappointed with my experience. Revitol flat out didn't work like they said it would.�

This cellulite cream falls flat on virtually every level we tested. It didn't reduce cellulite or improve skin health. Additionally, it failed to show any significant results in the majority of our patients over their 6 week use of the cellulite cream.

We cannot imagine this cellulite cream being of benefit to any woman. Our top rated cellulite cream was exponentially more effective, and it actually performed the tasks that Revitol claimed it could.

Revitol Ingredients

Revitol Cellulite Cream boasts revolutionary ingredients as the secret behind their cellulite cream. Revitol cellulite creams contain: Retinol A, algae, and caffeine. Unfortunately, these 3 ingredients do not add up to a successful treatment for cellulite.

Revitol Cellulite Cream: Final Word

Based on our extensive testing, we rated Revitol as a do not buy. To summarize, the cellulite cream was simply an ineffective treatment for cellulite reduction. Revitol failed to live up to any of its claims as an elite cellulite cream. We do not recommend this cellulite cream for anyone serious about curing their cellulite.